Pakistan’s mineral industry has not had much of an impact on its economy. Pakistan is currently placing special emphasis on the development of infrastructure, including ports, water supply, drainage systems, gas pipelines, oil refining, electric power, and cement plants. In 1975 Pakistan’s mineral production value was estimated at approximately $70 million. Pakistan government funds, along with loans from the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and the Middle East oil-producing countries, have provided the bulk of capital inputs for mineral development. Natural gas is Pakistan’s leading mineral produced and the only relatively abundant fossil fuel. Declining domestic petroleum production met less than one-tenth of Pakistan’s requirements in 1975. The agricultural economy of Pakistan needs more fertilizer than is currently produced. Transport facilities are uneven in Pakistan. Pakistan has few fossil fuel resources, except for natural gas. During 1977–1978, Pakistan plans to commission a 125,000-kw steam plant and nine 25,000-kw gas turbines.