Industrial co-operation is a rapidly expanding sphere of East–West economic and technological collaboration and it is a more systematic and lasting form of inter-enterprise dealings than conventional trading relations. The multinationals’ interest has increased particularly since the late 1960s and their representatives are the most active participants in East–West conferences on industrial co-operation. The partner enterprises may agree on the simpler forms of co-operation such as mutual aid in research and development, or the training of specialists, or specialization in and mutual deliveries of, a simple material or component. The co-operation agreement between Kanthal and Csepel is limited to the production of resistor wire in Hungary, with technology provided by the Swedish partner. The two television transmission systems ‘Eurovision’ and ‘Intervision’, operating in Western and Eastern Europe respectively, have a co-operation agreement on mutual retransmission of programmes. The remarkable expansion of industrial co-operation in its different forms indicates that the participants on each side must derive substantial advantages.