Several of the problems of large information centres may be minimized by satisfying requests for reports by the supply of photocopies of them, made on the spot as needed. The advantages of supplying photocopies are multiplied if microfiches replace photocopies. Microfiches are cheaper to reproduce and the savings in packing and postal charges are considerable. Photocopying processes have improved considerably over the years and most modern appliances can be relied upon to give good copies, after the initial warming up, at the touch of a button. For information on photocopying equipment reference should be made to technical journals such as Management Services in Government, Business Equipment Digest, which gives an annual review of new copying equipment, and Federation for Documentation News Bulletin, which occasionally includes a 'Document Reproduction Survey'. Problems of storage space for large collections of paper copies have usually eventually been resolved by microcopying, that is transferring the reports on to film as microimages.