Liberation, or the illumined knowledge of God, is attained by man in a number of distinct ways. In fact, the words ‘liberation’ and ‘illumined knowledge’ have true meaning only to those men who have attained the vision of God, those who possess the knowledge of God. In Buddhism they are known as Bodhisattvas. In a sense, they do not want liberation. They attain liberation, but they do not accept it; instead they come back to the world to serve mankind by leading others toward God, toward truth and freedom. Christ identified himself with God unceasingly. While he spoke, while he taught, God was speaking, God was teaching. Philosophically speaking, Brahman (God transcendent), when associated with the universal maya, is known as the personal God. Sri Ramakrishna gave a beautiful illustration. Suppose a baby, who cannot utter the word ‘father’ perfectly, says ‘da-da’ or just makes a peculiar sound when seeing his father.