From a beginningless time, India has preached the harmony and universality of all religions. This was recently demonstrated by the Hindu people during the remarkable visit of Pope Paul VI. This ancient religion is still a living religion; but it is not only known as Christianity, but also as Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Mohammedanism, and Buddhism. There are six major religions in the world: Hinduism or Vedanta, which is the most ancient of living religions; Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Zoroastrianism. These six major religions in turn are divided into many sects. Christianity and Mohammedanism are the most militant of the group. Vedanta and Buddhism are the most ancient of living religions. Vedanta, from Vedic times to the present, has recognized religious liberty for all mankind. Buddhism has also held this attitude. Religion is the ultimate concern of human life. But what is that ultimate concern? It is the search for the Ultimate Reality.