In addressing the overarching theme of the Mexican scientists’ experiences with English as a language of scientific communication, this chapter presents and discusses findings in response to this study’s second sub-question: What are MU emerging and established scientists’ perceived challenges and potential barriers to achieving publication of research articles in English? Through a combination of survey data gathered from past SWP course participants, classroom observation data, and, predominantly, perspectives gathered through semi-structured interviews with course administrators, instructors, guest lecturers/journal editors, and course participants (graduate students and their faculty supervisors), this chapter provides an extensive description of challenges experienced by MU scholars as they aim to publish their research in English-medium journals. These challenges are highlighted for both graduate students (whom we call emerging scholars) and faculty (whom we call established scholars) at MU. Those challenges that potentially inhibit successful publication of research articles in indexed scholarly journals are positioned as potential barriers. As is the case with each of these findings chapters, a brief discussion of the findings in relation to the literature previously reviewed in Chapter 2 is embedded both within the chapter and in the final section.