The final chapter draws together reflections on the concept of dwellspace as developed across the four main chapters of Posthuman Buddhism. Its main objective is to bring the production of dwellspace more prominently to the foreground of discussion, and, in so doing, to revisit the contention that digital capitalism is, amongst other things, eroding the capacity for reverie and the agency otherwise afforded to the ‘purposeless’ drifting in empty time. If mindfulness is being offered as a salve or ‘time out’ from the unrelenting demands of everyday life in the digital age, then dwellspace needs to step up as a politics, practice and poetics of time that offers something very different and which is oriented towards more radical ends. From a dialectical standpoint, therefore, the provision and extension of dwellspace can help mobilise a contradictory logic that goes against the grain of the data-driven treadmill of mindless consumption that demands of us our constant attention – and our time. To do this, it is argued, requires positioning the self/non-self squarely at the centre of the production of dwellspace.