Chapter 3, “Trump Tweets,” explores how Trump’s rhetorical style was well suited to the defining characteristics of Twitter as a social media platform. It is based upon, or more accurately “inspired by,” a previously published essay on Trump’s use of Twitter during the campaign. It significantly revises that essay, however, by expanding its historical scope to include Trump’s use of Twitter as a citizen, as a candidate, and as president. While we argue there is a certain consistency in Trump’s Twitter habits over time, mostly notable in his tonality and temperament, there are also key differences. Early on, Trump employed Twitter principally for self-branding, self-promotion, and airing personal grievances. As he transitioned into the role of candidate, Trump’s tweeting became tactical, focusing on message repetition, unconventional use of the platform to disrupt political norms, and aggressive and demeaning attacks on his Republican challengers and Hillary Clinton. Finally, following the election, Trump’s Twitter habits shifted again, reflecting a strategic set of practices designed to promote his distorted, self-involved view of reality, to distract from potentially harmful news stories and investigations, and to discredit the mainstream news media as well as other perceived threats through persistent and perfunctory attacks.