Shortly after the new Zollverein treaties came into force Luxemburg joined the Prussian customs system. Luxemburg, whose Grand Duke was King of the Netherlands, was a member of the Germanic Confederation and had a Federal fortress in its capital. Luxemburg accepted the Prussian tariff and system of internal taxation. She was to receive a share of the Zollverein revenues in proportion to her population and was to be represented at Zollverein Congresses by Prussia. Luxemburg gained financially and found new markets for her iron ore, hides and agricultural produce. In the ’forties the export of semi-manufactured articles was replacing that of completely manufactured products. In the ’forties trading relations between the Zollverein and Holland were only partially regulated by treaty, for although the navigation convention of 1837 remained in force the commercial treaty of 1839 expired in 1841 and was not renewed.