The light green colour and feathery slender proportions of the palms contrast pleasingly with the massive forms and dark emerald tint of the mangoes. The “Star” is commanded by Arabs, and the crew are negroes, so the authors naturally have their doubts about their skill, and watch the working of the steamer with breathless interest, as they hang over the bows and look out for breakers ahead. Syed Majid’s death, then, was fatal to the fast-rising importance of Dar-es-Salaam. The country round Dar-es-Salaam has much the appearance of a great plain stretching away inland for thirty or forty miles, with the low Marui hills rising from it to a height of about 300 feet. To the mind filled with the popular ideas current regarding tropical countries, their rich luxuriance, magnificent flowers, and marvels of the animal world, it gives an unpleasant shock to be planted for the first time in such a place as Dar-es-Salaam.