This chapter analyzes Life Values Inventory data from 117,449 young adults aged 17–29 to explore common values. Look at the values that matter most to emerging and young adults. These values reflect that young adults today want to be dependable and trustworthy, they want to challenge themselves to grow and excel, they want to develop a sense of autonomy and self-sufficiency, and they care about the wellbeing of others. Over-Attention values have worry and insecurity attached to them. Many young adults found Privacy, Objective Analysis, and Humility to be Medium/Low Priority values in relation to other values at this stage in their lives. The data shows that young adults’ over-attention to Belonging, Financial Prosperity, and Interdependence comes at the cost of values that are related to wellness: Health and Activity, Concern for the Environment, Spirituality, and Creativity. This cost has implications for sustainability and resilience.