This chapter utilises psychoanalysis to critique “the other side of psychoanalysis”, that is, the ideology of terrorism-Islamophobia/Islamophilia as a “master’s discourse.” The Archeology of Knowledge was published in French in 1969, the year that Jacques Lacan started his 17th seminar, The Other Side of Psychoanalysis. I. Parker was the first critical psychologist to address discourse analysis vis-a-vis psychoanalysis. In his pioneering article, he critiques the “blank subjectivity” of discursive psychology and the “uncomplicated subjectivity” of humanistic psychology, in favor of a “complex subjectivity” theorized in Lacanian psychoanalysis. The development of Lacanian Discourse Analysis was a natural move because Lacanian psychoanalysis and discourse theory have many principles in common, like “the ambiguity of the social,” wherein the social “is seen as both regulatory and productive or constitutive of subjectivity”. The chapter also presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book.