The A, B, Cs, a model valid for all emotions, is introduced in Chapter 3. Shaping emotional intelligence begins with A, allowing and accepting emotion. Step B, being with the emotion and breathing, follows. Step C is choosing how to channel the emotion. A central tool for the teen’s toolbox, this model is followed throughout in the units on anger, fear, grief, and guilt. The developmental task of individuation is explored in the context of the impact of adult expectations on the emotions of fear and anger generated by individuation. Simple and direct use of the A, B, Cs proceeds by stages to more refined understanding of the feeling part of emotion vs. the thinking part of emotion. Diaphragmatic breathing, inhaling deep, slow breaths, is elucidated as another emotion management tool. Self-talk including Help Talk is used as a means to choose and channel emotion and then express it in words. Five activities conclude the chapter along with the activity sheets, Applying the A, B, Cs and Self-talk Analysis for Upsets.