Placenism is a consciousness, belongingness and bonding with a place. An important step in building placenism is the use of symbols. The symbols reinforce and cement the idea of placenism. An audit of the movements of placenism will provide some scope for a prognosis of future place names on the politico-administrative map of India. A dominant share of the potential future place names finds a bearing with ethnicity, language, caste or a lineage of dynasty. Characterized by innumerable languages, religions, castes and tribes, India is a land of immense diversity in terms of its human geography. The aspirational states can be seen across all parts of India. Each is vying to salvage a ‘place’ for their ‘name’ on the map of India. India is a complex yet rapidly evolving democracy. The contours of the future map of place names would unfold the diversity and the state of disparity in India.