A pettiness in mind, narrowness in outlook and an immaturity that characterized a deliberate attempt to push out Urdu which is spoken and written by a large number of people (in India). Urdu is a language which has opened the door of broad mindedness, politeness and positive thinking. Due to communal politics in the name of language and hostile attitude of the successive governments, Urdu had been pushed almost to the margins till 1980. Muslims used their political strength and got some official recognition for Urdu. Urdu has been declared the second official language in Bihar since 16 August 1989. After Independence and Partition of the subcontinent, Urdu suffered a lot in the communalized environment. Non-availability of Urdu medium textbooks is also a big hindrance in the growth of Urdu and performance of Urdu students. Tata Consultancy Services has developed a Urdu teaching software for adult education under its Corporate Social Responsibility.