The Fabian Society was founded for the purpose of “reconstructing society,” based on the competitive system, “in such manner as to secure the general welfare and happiness.” This chapter provides a comparison between the Socialism of the Fabian Society and that of the S.D.F.” The Society, in fact, began its career with that disregard of mere names which has always distinguished it. The Conference was the first occasion in which the Fabian Society emerged from its drawing-room obscurity, and the speech of Bernard Shaw on the third day was probably the first he delivered before an audience of more than local importance. The Society has stuck to the format adopted in these early days, and with a few special exceptions all its publications have been issued in the same style, and with numbers running on consecutively. The Fabian Society appointed two delegates, J. G. Stapleton and Hubert Bland, but Bernard Shaw apparently took the place of the latter.