Gaucelm Faidit loved a lady from the bishopric of Gap and Embrun whose name was Lady Jordana d’Ebreun. She was a noble lady and strikingly beautiful, very courtly, graciously learned, generous with her wealth and desirous of honor and a fine reputation. Gaucelm served her and honored her greatly, praised her and had her welcomed among the most esteemed ladies. Lady Jordana lived most gaily and happily and she tried very hard to do and say the right things so that Sir Gaucelm would not be held a liar for the good things he had said about her. She was so highly considered by everyone, far and wide, that there was no nobleman in Viane or in all of Provence who could think himself worthy of the name if he hadn’t seen her; nor was there any good lady in all those lands who did not envy her her beauty and fine reputation. 1 And what I am telling you here is the truth for I saw it and heard it. 2