You have by now heard who Gui d’Uisel was and from where he came, how he exchanged a tenso with his cousin, Sir Elias, about the choice his lady had given him, and which part he chose, and how the lady got angry about this and went off and married Bemardon de Catalogne. This is why Gui d’Uisel gave up singing and spent a long time in a state of sorrow and depression. And because he behaved like this, many people didn’t like him, including both ladies and knights. To get him out of this brooding and resentful state, Lady Maria de Ventadorn provoked him in a tenso and it goes like this, as you will hear: Gui d’Uisel, I am very upset with you For you have given up on singing And I want you to get back to it. Since you know a lot about such things, I want you to tell me if, when a lover sincerely asks her to do so, A lady should do as much for her lover As he does for her in matters of love, According to the rights that he enjoys as lover.