Stupendous edifices remain, to demonstrate the truth of those wonderful stories. Structures of surpassing magnificence astonish the travellers in Egypt, Hindostan, and Persia. Egypt is a country of small extent, but its geographical position, and geological formation, render it capable of supporting an immense population. Egypt contains ancient buildings of three distinct characters: pyramids, excavations, and temples or palaces with flat roofs, supported by rows of columns. The famous pyramids of Egypt stand upon a plain which extends from Cairo about fifty miles along the Nile. The temples of the Egyptians, and all their edifices, were painted with rich bright colours. The splendid work prepared by the savans who accompanied the expedition of Napoleon to Egypt, gives a perfect representation of the wonderful remains of Egyptian architecture. The character of Egyptian Architecture is grave and sublime. The Egyptians must have been a very numerous people under a severe despotism.