The sages and philosophers of Greece, travelled into Egypt, Persia, and India, gaining a knowledge of the arts and sciences, and on their return, imparted it to their fellow-countrymen. The Grecian colonists who settled the peninsula and the beautiful islands of the blue Aegean, came from countries already far advanced in civilization. The proportions of the Grecian orders, connected as they are with the ideas of utility and fitness, have stood the test of time and experience, and are still the classic models for mankind. The colonies which were planted by the Greeks in Asia Minor, were called Ionia. Populous and rich, the sciences and arts were cultivated by the Ionians with great success. Modern architects, in endeavouring to improve upon Grecian designs, have been completely foiled; the closest investigation leads to the conclusion that the principles of Grecian Architecture were fixed by men of consummate science and skill, and have their foundation in immutable truth.