In Chapters 4–10 of this book, we have explored in depth the role of the CSM in helping customers to realize value from their initiatives. We have seen that there are many steps for the CSM to take, and a lot of activity required of the CSM to perform this role well. Each customer engagement therefore could represent many weeks, months or sometimes even years of hard work from the CSM to assist their customer in getting where they want to be, and in doing so in continuing to use and purchase the CSM’s company’s products, services and solutions (which of course is what it’s all about from the CSM’s company’s perspective). Indeed, if performed well, the work of the CSM over the entirety of a customer engagement not only represents hundreds or thousands of hours of effort expended by the CSM but also generates potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of value returned to the CSM’s company in terms of increased sales (Figure 11.1).