English Spiritualism was a rather pale reflection of its American counterpart, and there is no point in recounting its history in detail. The only distinguished English convert to Spiritualism was Robert Owen, the veteran social reformer, who received from the spirits much valuable information concerning social justice in this world and the next. After M. Faraday’s expose interest in Spiritualism declined; but it revived briefly in the summer of 1855 when D. D. Home, most famous of all mediums, came to England from America. When Mrs. W. Hayden, an American professional medium, visited England in October 1852, she found quite a few educated people anxious to witness the mysterious spirit rappings which occurred in her presence. The craze originated on the Continent, where it had been inspired by the strange happenings in America, and it captured England to such an extent that invitations were issued for ‘tea and table-tipping’.