The reason why masses of false hair are bad in art, is because they contradict the natural probabilities of the human cuticle. Any quantity within the limits of human growth is admissible, and in the case of partial baldness, strongly to be recommended. Beyond these limits, beauty ceases, and vulgarity reigns supreme. The reason why high heels are good, is because they add height, elasticity to the gait sometimes, and materially diminish the size of the foot. The reason why tight-lacing is ugly, is because it distorts the natural lines of the figure, and gives an appearance of uncertainty and unsafeness. The reason why masses of false hair are bad in art, is because they contradict the natural probabilities of the human cuticle. The reason why a small waist is a beauty, is because, when it is natural, it goes together with the peculiar litheness and activity of a slenderly built figure.