Plays are attended by live audiences who change from night to night, according to the weather, time of day, and their own lives. For the playwright, the world of ideas corresponds to the heavens. The playwright is simply one who writes plays, one who piles up the pages. The twelve habits of highly successful playwrights are the following: focus, passion, a clear understanding of process, perseverance, living as a warrior, rewriting as opportunity, take on large themes and paint a complex canvas, emotional verity, ever the professional, imposing the plot, aggressive marketing, and total engagement in life. Passion is what sustains perseverance. Playwright must believe that the play they are writing must be written. Playwrights who are successful understand that our careers have topography. Theaters are in the business of producing playwrights, and they are whom they need. They are their best clients. They are there to produce their work after all.