Schebesta records that among the Kintak Bong of the Perak Kedah boundary, the birth takes place in the hut, as also among the Jehai of Upper Perak and Kelantan. As among most primitive peoples, there are among the Negritos certain tabus applicable to women who are pregnant or have given birth. With regard to birth, Skeat says that among the Kedah Negritos the mother was usually placed in a sitting position and treated preferably with the root of a creeper called chenlai, found on the highest mountains. The Bateg Negritos of the Cheka River, Pahang, also believe that a certain kind of bird is intimately connected with the birth of children. Negrito marriage appears to be a very simple affair without anything that can really be called a ceremony. Thus the Bateg of the Cheka River told author that among them marriages took place at the durian-fruit season.