Small trees growing together in the most advantageous manner possible had been selected to support the dwelling and the house was built among their slender trunks much as a bird’s nest is built between the twigs of a branch. Schebesta’s remarks about tree-dwellings among the Negritos seem rather contradictory. He says that they are never built by Negritos, but are the work of Malays overtaken by night when on a journey. Schebesta states that Negritos near Lenggong, Upper Perak, told him, though they were camping under an overhanging cliff temporarily, that they never lived “for days together in caves”. At Lenggong the Negritos were living in a number of huts, each made of tepus leaves lashed to a light framework of saplings. The upper ends of the saplings were kept bent down somewhat by guy ropes of rattans or creepers attached to neighbouring scrub.