A fundamental aspect of treatment for ADHD is its multifocal approach, involving all the children’s reference figures (parents and teachers) as well as the children themselves. One of the most evidence-based treatments, particularly for preschoolers, is parent training to help them manage their children with ADHD. Parents are taught effective strategies for dealing with the symptoms of the disorder and the associated inappropriate behaviour. The core elements of parent training are: psychological education about the syndrome; strategies for developing suitable positive reactions in order to adopt an appropriate behaviour; planned ignoring; proactive positive strategies to enhance the likelihood of inducing positive behaviour (token system, behaviour contract, etc.); reactive parental disciplinary tactics; and problem-solving. It is crucial for the family and school to cooperate to produce an overall, consistent and effective management plan. Treatments for improving relations with peers can also help children and adolescents with ADHD to develop a more adaptive and functional behaviour. Examples of good practice are illustrated to introduce the effective educational strategies presented in detail in Chapter 5.