This chapter defines Stage 2 of the three-stage lesson observation programme: what its objectives are and how this is set up and managed. The objectives Stage 2 focuses on are to ensure consistency in the delivery and execution of all factors outside the classroom. This includes the standard of marking and feedback, use of data, recognition of SEN and EAL data, the standard of report writing, and tracking and monitoring pupil progress. The Stage 2 interview is a face-to-face accountability session to ensure that all staff are uniformly and consistently following school policies on all the above. Prior to the implementation of the three-stage lesson observation programme, it was evident that not all staff were effectively undertaking all these tasks, and this had been highlighted in a previous ISI inspection report. The standard of report writing was often poor, and deadlines were not adhered to. There was also evidence that some staff were not aware of SEN and EAL requirements and were unable to effectively track and monitor their pupils’ progress. The data acquired through this process can feed into whole-school development plans and self-reflection, and provide valuable qualitative and quantitative feedback and evidence for inspection interviews. This chapter explores the impact Stage 2 interview had on the school and presents the forms themselves as a guide to what Stage 2 covers.