This chapter explores the ways in which data gathered from the three-stage lesson observation programme can be used effectively in all aspects of school planning. The chapter details how the qualitative and quantitative data can be used in the school development plan (SDP) and the school self-evaluation form (SEF). The chapter details the criteria within the ISI and Ofsted frameworks and how these criteria can be written into the foci and presented in the forms used in each of the three stages of the lesson observation programme. The chapter shows how this evidence can be gathered and comparison made in the similarities between the ISI and Ofsted frameworks. The new Ofsted framework does have a leaning towards emotional environment, which is a huge step forward and moves considerably away from the data and result-driven inspections of the past. This chapter also explores the problems of off-rolling pupils and gaming, which is the practice of pupils being told to study courses in which better grades are somewhat easier to achieve to safeguard a school’s position in the league tables. The behaviour of teachers and inspectors needs to embrace a collective vision of successful outcomes for pupils and become far more collegiate and respectful of each other.