This chapter reflects on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the implications of lesson observation. Current literature, including articles in the media, still very much leans towards how inappropriate it is to observe lessons during the pandemic, including lessons that use flipped, blended or remote learning. More even than that, the emotional environment within the classroom remains important, especially when one considers the rising number of mental health issues the country is seeing in both pupils and adults. Current practice so closely ties lesson observation with performance management that the trend is towards not observing at all during the pandemic, when we should take the opposite attitude of supporting each other. With the use of remote learning tools such as Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom, accessibility to classrooms is easier than ever, and although teachers and pupils have to change and adapt to using technology more than in the past, the emotional environment should always be a key factor in delivery and mutual respect within the classroom. Until lesson observation is separated from performance management systems, the fear and suspicion will not go away. That is why the three-stage lesson observation programme is so innovative and revolutionary in bringing lesson observation into a new arena of positivity, respect and effective outcomes for all.