The CapCell experiment brought together a shared sense of purpose and a leadership team willing to challenge the status quo. On days when overall customer demand was below average, the CapCell underwriters were not all deployed to underwriting teams. To fill their days when not underwriting, CapCell employees worked on implementing improvement ideas, standardizing even more of the work and making it more shareable. Depending on each team’s daily work volumes, the CapCell deployed up to ten underwriters into the teams that needed them. When a higher-paying job elsewhere in the company would occasionally lure away a more experienced underwriter, client service levels suffered. Many underwriters had deep sector knowledge and were, additionally, very well acquainted with the specific needs of their biggest policy holders from their respective areas. Handing off this work to generic, jack-of-all-trades underwriters who did not know specific clients in specific sectors would, they felt, slow work down and provide a negative customer experience.