Business managers are increasingly affected by the science of climatology and/or its short-term weather-focused variant, meteorology. Quite unusually for a social discipline, however, green business also has deep roots in natural science, to the extent that it is valuable for learners to re-familiarise themselves with certain basic principles that they will have acquired during their earlier education. Like any discipline, green business reflects a context that learners would do well to understand before assessing how this new field of study applies to their future professional choices. Green business seeks to overcome the centuries-long estrangement between economics and ecology by asserting the interdependency between the two–a linkage famously expressed in the concept of “natural capitalism”. Biology features many elements relevant to future managers’ green business decision-making. Environmental physics also offer managers powerful green business applications. The greater productivity of eco-efficient operations explains the business world’s growing interest in closed-loop systems that maximise the recycling hence conservation of energy.