This chapter focuses on organizational support. It briefly describes what is meant by employee beliefs or perceptions of organizational support. It outlines that an employee’s belief of organizational support reflects the employee’s belief that the organization is concerned about his/her well-being and values his/her contribution. It then explores why and how employees develop beliefs or perceptions of organizational support. It describes that employees consider the treatment provided to them by various agents of an organization over a period of time and based on these treatments they form a global belief of the extent to which the organization supports them. It describes how employee beliefs about organizational support influence their feelings, motivation, and actions. It also outlines some of the organizational features that influence employee perceptions of organizational support. It describes some of the outcomes arising from employee perceptions of organizational support. At the beginning of the chapter, an exercise is provided to facilitate thinking about organizational support from a life situation. At the end of the chapter, an exercise is provided to facilitate assessment and enhancement of organizational support in the workplace.