Business schools have a responsibility for imparting values of integrity to the next generation of business leaders, says the author in this chapter. He reports the role that a number of business schools have played in doing so. They range from the boutique Business School Lausanne, Switzerland, whose guest speaker was Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever, at its graduation ceremony, to Harvard Business School and Cass Business School in the City of London. The author quotes Professor Roger Steare, Corporate Philosopher in Residence at Cass Business School, who has developed an online psychometric profiling MoralDNA™ test. The author also reports the work of Alexander Schieffer, who gained his doctorate in leadership at St Gallen University, where he is now a visiting professor, and Ronnie Lessem, founder of Trans4m and Professor of Management at da Vinci Institute of Technology Management in Cape Town, South Africa. They advocate Integral Economics, and have worked closely with the Slovenian government authorities to encourage an “integral green Slovenia”, with considerable impact, which the author tells in some detail.