Nowhere is a leadership of integrity more needed than in healthcare which saves lives. The author examines shortcomings in the British National Health Service as it marked its 70th anniversary in 2018. He looks at Obamacare. He tells the stories of healthcare business people: James Miller was the Managing Director of Abermed, an occupational healthcare company in Aberdeen, which looks after the health of oil rig workers on North Sea oil platforms. The author also reports, in detail, the extraordinary story of how an Indian orthopaedic surgeon, Dr Amit Mukherjee, saved a Tata company hospital from closure by encouraging the doctors to take over the management of the hospital. They turned a profit and the management of the Tata company were so impressed that they appointed him the Personnel Manager of the whole company. The author concludes the chapter by quoting Jon Miller and Lucy Parker, authors of the book Everybody’s Business, who argue the case for “how big business can fix the world”.