This chapter looks specifically at the cost of corruption to people’s lives, such as the Rana Plaza building collapse in Dacca, Bangladesh, and the Grenfell Tower fire in London. Corruption, it is argued, particularly affects the poor because of lost public investment. The chapter argues against offshore tax havens, exposed by the Panama Papers and the Paradise Papers. And it tells case stories of courageous leadership in the stance against corruption. These include the South African whistleblower Wendy Addison who exposed corruption in that country’s fitness chain LeisureNet; and the story of the turn-around in the culture of Siemens AG, after slush funds, used to win contracts in African countries, were exposed. The chapter tells the story of the Mumbai businessman Suresh Vazirani, and his leadership of integrity, whose medical technology company exports to 100 countries and owns companies in ten countries. Despite deep vested interests which perpetuate corruption, the chapter concludes that the antidote to corruption is found in individuals who have the courage and commitment to the values of personal integrity including honesty and care. The chapter argues that the business case for integrity and the stance against corruption is proved by the results.