This chapter describes the impact of Akbar’s policies on the Jain community. A work of the fifteenth century shows that the members of Jain community were also to be found in Malwa, Sindh, Haryana and the Punjab. The Jain community which was dispersed over this region took advantage of this opportunity for they had the necessary expertise and probably more important than this, though located in different places they remained in contact with each other through ties of family, friendship, occupation and religion. Akbar’s policy helped to create conditions in which Jain traders began to migrate to the different parts of north India from Rajasthan and Gujarat. Akbar’s policies affected the Jain community in several other ways. Many Rajput chieftains along with their family members were made administrative functionaries and military commanders by Akbar and sent to different parts of the empire, to administer, to keep peace or to win new territories.