This chapter aims to delineate the rules of Christian post-colonial method when approaching the Powers. It has three parts. First, in developing a theological and post-structuralist critique of social theory development, I will argue that realism is the inherent spirit enduring the paradigm shifts in social theory. Second, through an inter-faith dialogue with selected Buddhist and Catholic wisdoms, I will develop a practice of non-self to discern the realist spirit in the Powers. Third, Elisha’s prophetic ministry during the reign of King Jehu will be used to identify the key discerning techniques. A key structuring line of argumentation in this chapter is to consistently grapple with contemporary western Christian and Catholic critiques of the Enlightenment project and its power/knowledge regime. In light of selected French post-structuralist insights which share the colonial roots in Algeria – Africa, I will devise a Christian post-colonial discerning method to the Powers.