King Cnut sends friendly greetings to Archbishop Lyfing and Bishop Godwine and Abbot Aelfmaer and Aethelwine the sheriff and Aethelric and all thegns, nobles and commoners. King Cnut sends friendly greetings to all the bishops and the earls and the reeves in every shire in which Archbishop Aethelnoth and the community at Christ Church have lands. A parliament was held at Westminster and sat from the feast of the Circumcision until after St Valentine’s day. There they discussed the wrongdoings of the different justices; and according to their different deserts the king and his council passed different sentences. When Helmstan committed the crime of stealing Aethelred’s belt, Higa, together with other claimants, proceeded forthwith to make a claim against him, desiring to obtain the estate from him by litigation.