As the body has an anatomy and physiology, the psyche has what Jung defined as structure and dynamics. The structure is composed of the conscious and unconscious spheres; the dynamics refers to the flow of libido or psychic energy. The conscious sphere consists of the ego with its innate attitudes, introversion and extraversion and its functions, thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition. The unconscious sphere consists of the personal and collective unconscious and what Jung called the “psychoid spheres.” The dynamics of the psyche are determined by the flow of libido that is either in progression or in regression. The placement of the motifs in a drawing relates to the structure and the direction or flow of the motifs determines the dynamics. A series of drawings may indicate a process of transformation unfolding in the psyche of the person and the auto-regulating function of the psyche then becomes evident. One may also observe a movement towards the centre which is always healing. Dissociation and fragmentation of the ego as in neurosis or psychosis may become apparent. In this case the spontaneous drawing is also a diagnostic medium.