Unlike the word a h and (which is so easy that it doesn’t need an entry here - te a h choffi tea and coffee – what more is there to say about it?) this little particle is often not even heard in normal speech, though the SM that follows it always is – so we could think of it as (a)°. At the start of a sentence, it makes the verb immediately following into a question. So for example Collodd hi She lost, but A °gollodd hi? Did she lose? – more usually just °Gollodd hi? Similarly Dôn nhw They will come, but A °ddôn nhw? Will they come? – more usually just °Ddôn nhw?

(A) °ddylen ni °ddweud wrtho am yr hyn naethon nhw?

Should we tell him about what they did?

(A) °fydden nhw’n °fodlon cyfaddawdu, ti’n meddwl?

Would they be willing to compromise, do you think?