Numbers are divided into three groups such as level 1, level 2 and level 3. Cardinal numbers indicate quantity. Ordinal numbers indicate the order of objects in a set. Collective numbers indicate the number of objects in a group. Compound numbers are formed from the appropriate one-word numbers. All cardinal numbers decline. Ordinal numbers describe the position of an object in a set. In a sentence, they function in the same way as long-form adjectives. They decline in the same way as adjectives and have gender and number. They agree with the noun they qualify, in gender, number and case. A noun in the nominative case is used after ‘one’ or numbers that end with ‘one’. All cardinal numbers agree with the case of the noun they qualify. The number ‘one’, or any compound number ending in ‘one’, agrees in gender and number with the noun it qualifies. Collective numbers indicate the number of objects in a group.