This chapter presents the spaces and silences evident on the Nagasaki Archive; in the veritable ‘black hole’ between 500 and 1000 metres of the hypocenter. It suggests that the wider narrative of Job provides a useful literary source for showing how lament leads to protest for the surviving Urakami Catholics today, just as Johann Metz also envisaged ‘dangerous’ memory as a Job-like protest. The protests which rise out of their lament anticipate future horrors and seek ways to prevent their realisation. The hypocenter of the atomic bombing for Fukahori and the Nagasaki Catholics is a ‘black hole’ of trauma which obliterated family members. As an anti-redemptory narrative, Fukahori’s is a ‘dangerous’ memory with potential to challenge other historiographies of the atomic bomb in Nagasaki. A slope, on the eastern side of the school, is a central site for Fukahori’s reimagining of bodies scattered in the landscape.