Fairbanks Memorial Hospital is located just behind the high school, an easy commute for the 30 to 40 high school students who worked part-time jobs that had been filled fulltime by adults. Fairbanks employers seemed pleased with their teenage employees, and most teenagers were proud of the responsibilities of their adult roles in the community. The director of a group foster care facility for teenage girls in Fairbanks was involved with many cases of teenage runaways. Drugs seemed to be associated with other serious crimes involving Fairbanks teenagers during the pipeline period. During the pipeline period, there was also a rise in shoplifting among teenagers. A total of 73 teenagers were apprehended for shoplifting in Fairbanks in 1973, compared to 188 in 1974. A "rip-off" mentality became prevalent in Fairbanks during the pipeline period. It was an accepted fact that many of the people employed on the pipeline were earning exceptionally high wages without doing very much work.