“Criminal Identity Profile” is a playfully written personal profile often given to presenters when introducing Gómez-Peña; it lists his multiple performance personas, aliases, occupations and identities. “Trigger Warning” is written as a response to the pervasive “politically correct” culture of “trigger warnings” afflicting academic, art and activists’ communities; it has been performed by authors Gómez-Peña and Balitronica as an intro text during La Pocha Nostra live events. “A ‘Road Map’ to Gómez-Peña’s Recent Performance Literature” by Emma Tramposch is an introductory overview/orientation of Gómez-Peña’s book, describing how it has been arranged thematically, the range and style of texts included, notes on the design of the book, and the political context from which it has been written and encourages readers to interact performatively with the texts.