‘Entrances’ introduces readers to the foundations of contemporary farce. The chapter lays the groundwork for why this often-dismissed and/or derided genre can be an effective form for understanding a 21st-century world seemingly spiralling into chaos. After defining the common tropes and structures closely associated with the genre, ‘Entrances’ seeks to expand the parameters of the form, articulating what constitutes a ‘contemporary’ farce. In addition to being written in the 21st century, these are plays using the genre to address serious thematic issues not previously undertaken by the form. Contemporary farce seeks to interrogate the foibles of humanity as characters try to find or maintain order in their unravelling world.

The chapter offers an alternate way to approach and understand the mechanics of the form, outlining four key elements that can be found in any contemporary farce (and most modern farces). These are referred to as the ‘Four Ps’ of Farce: 1) Passion 2) Persistence 3) Panic and 4) Preservation. Covering structure, language, physical comedy, comedic violence, and thematic content, ‘Entrances’ platforms how farce can be an effective theatrical instrument.

Finally, the chapter introduces the reader to the ‘Five Doors to Contemporary Farce.’ These ‘Five Doors’ are designed to help readers, viewers, and practitioners contextualise contemporary farce, providing a specific lens through which to approach individual popular and lesser-known 21st-century works from across the globe.