This chapter introduces Real-World Writers, an evidence-based approach to writing teaching which is informed by extensive scientific research, spanning 50 years, into effective and principled practice, case studies of some of the best-performing writing teachers, our own Writing For Pleasure research and the wisdom of professional writers. The chapter discusses the reasons for which children are moved to write and the purposes for writing, which include teaching, informing, persuading or influencing, entertaining, painting with words, reflecting and making a record, all for real audiences.

The chapter also discusses the importance of teachers focusing on the affective domains of writing, such as children gaining enjoyment and satisfaction from writing but also developing their feelings of self-efficacy, agency, volition, motivation, self-regulation and writer-identity. These writing behaviours and dispositions will promote a Writing For Pleasure pedagogy which contributes to accelerated progress and academic achievement. Real-World Writers is an inclusive and consistent approach which involves teaching and learning about rhetoric/genre, literature, writing skills and critical literacy. It supports children with English as an additional language (EAL) and with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).