The heart of the United States (US) surface fleet will, it is hoped, be 15 super carrier battle groups, including six nuclear fueled Nimitz class carriers. The super carrier is the capital ship of the US Navy. During 1983–1987 period, the US Navy seeks the funds to build 133 new ships and submarines, some 60 of which would be major warships. The Navy hopes to fund the purchase of 1,953 new aircraft during the Five year Plan. Expensive as they are, the super carriers are but a segment of the price to be paid for a carrier battle group. The super carrier is the heart and soul of the US surface fleet. High speed and long range are attractive features of the super carrier. In 1982 twelve super carriers were in active service with the US fleet. Air attacks, with conventional weapons, would be unleashed from super carrier battle groups and the foe throttled in his lair.