In this chapter, I explore the elemental lures of shared atmospheres. More specifically, I demonstrate that the collectively fabricated sculpture Museo Aero Solar conjures atmospheres that connect bodies to each other and to their elemental circumstances. After considering the ‘interstitial politics’ of Museo Aero Solar through historical examples, I propose that a greater attention to the politics of location and the economy of voice can inform the relationship between Museo Aero Solar and the places it ‘lands’. This, I argue, is part of the labour of finding common lures. To exemplify this process, I trace Museo Aero Solar in recent political initiatives in Buenos Aires, from those of activists of Villa Inflamable to biologists in Buenos Aires City. From these case studies, I suggest that Museo Aero Solar facilitates exchanges of positionality and desires for the future. The sustainability of these forms of exchange depends on maintaining the interstices between groups as porous membranes: connected but not the same.