Among Indian doxographies, the Saddarsanasamuccaya of Haribhadra Suri captured the lion’s share of attention from the few scholars who have reflected on the literary phenomenon of philosophical compendia. This chapter explains the sociohistorical ground in which this philosophical development germinated, by exploring the life and work of Haribhadra, along with a brief survey of the most meaningful ideological precursors to Jaina doxography. The evolution of the diffuse notion of darsana within Jainism, until its usage in philosophical compendia, has received an extensive coverage from Kendall Wayne Folkert. He observed that Jaina doxographies, more than any other Indian sources, used the term darsana early on. The chapter discusses Haribhadra’s doxography in the light of the doctrine of anekanta-vada. The fact that doxographies involve the tattva-s of opposing views in their overall systematic contemplation, which is dialectically designed to establish the ultimate perspective, though innovative, follows an ancient ubiquitous pattern of Indian philosophical speculation.